Thursday, June 4, 2009

And Today

A three man crew came this evening and cut up our tree. It took them about 2 and a half hours. They did clean up nicely and even blew all the leaves I had so carefully put out 2 weeks ago as mulch into the pile. They were going to haul the wood away but had underestimated the volume of the tree. So Richard and his trusty pick-up will get to do that.
This is what remains of our tree.
(Pictures aren't great since they finished up just as the daylight was finishing up.)
And this is where it was.
Now to decide what tree to plant and figure out the damage to the roof.


  1. I do hope the roof is okay. That is a lot of tree!

  2. Wow, I can't believe that tree is gone. That will make your front yard almost unrecognizable!! Amazing experience!!
